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Gloaming Flower Farm

Gloaming Flower Farm

Gloaming refers to the time in the evening when the sun's warm fading light along with the change in temperature create a magical place. It's my favorite time of day to be working on the farm and definitely when the flowers show off their best.
On Gloaming Flower Farm, we grow organic cut flowers with heart and intention. We are a micro farm in Holladay, Utah, founded in 2021. We sell wholesale as a member of Picklinq Collective and love seeing our blooms spread joy to this community.

We Offer Flowers Through:

Find my flowers twice weekly at Picklinq Collective Markets.

Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson

Hi, I'm Sarah Anderson, founder and flower farmer. Flowers and time spent outdoors have always been loves of mine. I started Gloaming Flower Farm as a way to enjoy these, share beautiful things, and wisely use my large untamed backyard space.
My goal is to farm with intention and respect for the ecology while harvesting the highest quality blooms to share. The hard work of flower farming rewards me not only with beautiful blooms but also with the gratifying interactions I have with all kinds of flower lovers.

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