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Three Sprouts Flower Farm

Three Sprouts Flower Farm

In 2018 I negotiated an 800 sq ft area in our backyard and boldly signed up for the Kaysville Farmers market and sold a few subscription bouquets. The concept of local flower farms was relatively new and there were amazing people who supported the farm.

The farm continued to grown and in 2021 I got a dream gig - providing mixed bouquets to Harmons Grocery! I was deeply deeply schooled in learning about times and season. This season wasn't to stay as I navigated the complex relationship of working and growing humans.

So I took a chance and changed my entire model of growing and selling to a single crop.


What a wonderful beautiful year it was.

This season is here to stay for a while.

We Offer Flowers Through:




Hi! I am Lindsey - the owner of an urban dahlia farm in Farmington, UT. It wasn't in the plans to be a dahlia farmer but after 5 years of growing and selling flowers I found out I was really good at growing dahlia flowers and storing their tubers (if you know, you know). Now I grow over 2000 dahlias!

I love doing research and have been awarded a grant through the UCFFA as well as the ASCFG a national organization dedicated to specialty cut flowers. The grant topics were :
1) Dahlia Crop Per Drop Evaluation at Full and Reduced Irrigation With and Without Mulch
2) Dividing Dahlias: a cost benefit analysis of single tuber vs small clumps dividing.

This research helps me to cultivate dahlias to the best of my ability.

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