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A Few Announcements

We are so excited to see everyone at our upcoming Winter Member Event. We are so looking forward to spending an evening with you at the beautiful setting of Snuck Farm. When you get to Snuck Farm please enter the farm on the east, tree-lined lane. Drive to the back of the farm near the greenhouses and park in the courtyard. The meeting will be held in the Barn Kitchen on the west side of the barn. It is going to be a wonderful night and we are so ready to connect with you and to make new friends. Tonight we are hosting a Facebook Live at 8pm in our Member-Only Facebook group. We will be talking about soil blocking and how to successfully start your seeds indoors. We will be hosting Facebook Lives once a month covering a range of topics on running a flower business and farm. Be sure to join our Member-Only Facebook group today so you don’t miss out!

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